ARC’s Ride Home Program will be featured in Worn Stories, a new Netflix documentary series about clothes and the people who wear them. The series begins streaming today, April 1. The episode ARC is a part of is called “Beginnings.”

The show is based on the bestselling book by Emily Spivack.

Included is a ride the amazing Carlos Cervantes did in 2020 picking up our community member Rudy T. after 40+ years incarcerated, in addition to part of Carlos’s own story and detailing of the program.

Shout-out to Carlos, all the ARC members/staff past and present who have given rides home. Shoutout to The Three Strikes Project and Stanford Law for their work in ushering this program into existence and their continued partnership. Thank you to all our community partners and nonprofits in the field picking up our community members with dignity.

Thank you to the entire Worn Stories team (especially Dara Horenblas and Tallie Johnson) for including ARC as part of this project brimming with humanity!